Richard Wagner: Supreme Annihilator of the German War Gods
In his book Wagner and Philosophy, Bryan Magee tells us that:Those of my readers who know Wagner only by his reputation may be surprised at the portrait I have presented so far of a left-wing...
View ArticleFaith in Nazi Opera Conspiracies Reveals Unpleasant Truths About Modern Israel
Other the last three years, one tenacious dogma that has been systematically debunked on this blog has been that of the Nazi opera conspiracy theory, which claims that National Socialism was an...
View Article'Em Bloody Krauts: The Lie of Hegel's "March of God" and Other Howlers
If you remember, in the last post we discussed the problems that academic historians have with an older generation of authors such as journalist William Shirer and right-wing historian Peter Viereck...
View ArticleBooks on Wagner that Needs Translating into English
Today, I decided I compile a wishlist of books that desperately need to be translated into English. So for those of you involved in Wagner societies etc who might want to try to organise for something...
View ArticleLying About Hitler: Why Historians Reject Nazi Opera Conspiracies—and Why We...
Every book has its target audience. The question is as to what the target of Nazi opera conspiracy books might be. It is likely to be an audience interested in opera, music and art history. It is...
View ArticleNazi Opera Conspiracies: A Kinship with the Goldhagen Hypothesis and Occult...
Of all writings that help us to understand the historical background to Richard Wagner's views on the Jews, there are perhaps few more enlightening than Ordinary Germans and the Longest Hatred found in...
View ArticleConstantin Frantz: Offener Brief an Richard Wagner
Volltext aus dem Bayreuther Blätter, Juni 1878. Constantin Frantz (12. Sep 1817 – 2. Mai 1891) gehört ursprünglich um den Junghegelianer wie Max Stirner, David Strauß, Ludwig Feuerbach, Arnold Ruge...
View ArticleWhy "Think Classical"? Or Why Xenakis is the First and Only Classical Composer
I have been thinking for a while why I called my blog "Think Classical", especially since I don't actually believe in the notion of "classical" music. Even limited to the music of Haydn and Mozart, I...
View ArticleRichard Wagner Supports Constantin Frantz's Denunciation of Prussian...
Wahn! Wahn! Überall Wahn!Wohin ich forschend blick'in Stadt- und Weltchronik,den Grund mir aufzufinden,warum gar bis aufs Blutdie Leut' sich quälen und schindenin unnütz toller Wut! Madness! Madness!...
View ArticleBook Review of "Hitler's Philosophers" by Yvonne Sherratt: a Thatcherite View...
Hitler’s Philosophers by Yvonne SherrattPublished May 01, 2013 by Yale University PressSoftcover version:ISBN-10: 0300205473ISBN-13: 978-0300205473Hardcover version:ISBN-10: 0300151934ISBN-13:...
View ArticleMethodological Certitude in Nazi Opera Conspiracies: "He Knew Every Single...
Some readers will be left wondering why it is that I keep writing about Nazi opera conspiracy theories. The answer is that it opens up a lot of philosophical and political questions that have nothing...
View ArticleChristopher Browning vs. the Nazi Opera Conspiracy Literature
Today, we are going to continue our piecemeal study of my detailed critique of Joachim Köhler's notorious Nazi opera conspiracy book, Wagner's Hitler. The problem with my full length critical study is...
View Article"Hitler based his entire philosophy and the whole Nazi apparatus on ideas...
As we saw in the previous post, part of a new series of shorter introductory study posts discussing the longest and most thoroughly researched post on this blog, the critique of Joachim Köhler's...
View ArticleDaniel Goldhagen: Why Nazi Opera Conspiracy Theories Refuse to Die After Köhler
After my last post, I mentioned in my comments that I had tweeted links to the discussion at Anne Midgette (who now works for the Washington Post as a music critic), as well as to Sir Richard J. Evans....
View ArticleWhy Defending History is More Important Than Defending Wagner
When I first started writing on the Wagner controversy on this blog several years ago, I started out as a kind of amateur lawyer acting on his behalf. Part of this was driven by the fact that in...
View ArticleA Critique of "Wagner and the Jews" by Nathan Shield
A recent essay by Nathan Shields that I saw republished on The Wagnerian caught my attention enough that I thought I would comment on it, as part of this series of study posts discussing the main post...
View ArticlePostscript and Discussion to the Critique of Nathan Shield's Essay
As readers will already know, I have started a whole series of explanatory posts, the aim of which is to present the ideas crammed into my really long post analysing Joachim Köhler's Wagner's Hitler in...
View ArticleHow Have We Become So Backward Looking?
When Haydn took an interest in the Academy of Ancient Musicke on his late visit to London, they played the music of Handel. By the late decade of the 1700's, the music of the first half of that century...
View ArticleDid German History Unfold According to an Operatic Blueprint for Genocide?
I am preparing another post discussing Richard Wagner. Before I publish that post I first wanted to discuss a particular quote that I discovered when reading Richard J. Evans's latest volume in his...
View ArticleThe Curious Case of William Shirer: Was it Wagner or Luther Who Caused the...
Between the 1940s and1960s, a series of Allied war propagandists attempted to vilify German culture as being the root cause of WWII and the Holocaust. German culture, it was alleged, had always been...
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